As well as the wonderful Headline Concerts at the Festival, there's a weekend-full of live music throughout Wimborne Minster. Over 50 bands and singers from far and wide, every one of them worth seeing.
All venues are walking distance to each other. Follow our guide to who's who and enjoy their performances!

Music A - G
Arquebus Trio - Atlantico - Mark & Helen Banfield - Matt Black - Nick Capaldi - Chimney Fish - Coosticks - Chris Deacon - Dorset Phil - Footlight - Charlotte Geary - Peter Green - Gugge 2000
Music H - N
Honey Kick Duo - Andrew James - Just Sing - Just Us - Paul Kinvig - LIVe Harmony - Men in Black - Mikey Ball - Polly Morris - Mostly Harmless - Mother Ukers - Murphy's Lore - Notation
Music O - S
One Eyed Man - Paul Openshaw - Our Atlantic Roots - Play Misty - Poole Me Hearties - Jamie Pritchard & Friends - QHCB Gypsy Jazz - Resound Choir - Pete Robson - Route 66 - Shiraz - Sir Reel Clarks - Sixteen String Jack - Soulhole - Stables - Stagecoach Wimborne
Music T - Z
The Audio Allstars - The Bomo Swing - The Captain's Beard - The Quarterjacks - The Raven Kings - The Transitions - Kevin Thomas - Paul Thomas - Thomas Heppell Trio - Carley Varley - Millie Watson - Wimborne Guitars - Richard Wirdnam - Allan Winter - Winter Wilson - Xtra Shot